A Cesenatico, dal 31 ottobre al 4 novembre 2018, torna puntuale come ogni anno l’imperdibile appuntamento con la kermesse gastronomica Il pesce fa festa dedicata ad uno dei prodotti principali dell…
Heart-shaped appointments for Valentine’s Day
This Valentine’s Day you should enjoy the company of your loved one, cherish your quality time spent together, living out new experiences and adventures. After 5 years of closure due to restoration…
Interview with Vincenzo Girasoli from Idressitalian.com during his visit to the Palace Hotel in Milano Marittima
Interview with Vincenzo Girasoli, web influencer and founder of Idressitalian.com, the editorial project who wishes to show to the world the essence of the real Italian life style. Is it your first…
The perfect working day
A satisfied business traveller told us… 7:00am – the buzzer sounds… but not in the usual way; you know, in the way every sleepy head despises. This time we won’t hit the snooze button, because this…
The bicycle that you won’t expect: “gentle-cycling” made in Romagna
Here, in the “Nove Colli Granfondo” area and land of great champion cyclists, we have discovered a new dimension for those who love pedaling: adequate time and space to enjoy exciting b…
Batani Select Hotels and their Chefs at Eataly in M󠇭ünich
FROM OUR CORRESPONDENT IN MÜNICH Batani Select Hotels @EATALY München. Fresh home-made passatelli (a pasta formed of bread crumbs, eggs, grated Parmesan cheese, lemon zest and nutmeg ) are prepare…
La Notte Rosa: Capodanno d’estate!
Per celebrare l’estate in tutto il suo splendore, la Riviera ha voluto dedicarle una serata, completamente colorata di rosa, che riprendesse un po’ il capodanno invernale. Questo evento negli anni …
The Batani Family Farm: season strawberries in the recipes created by Giuseppe Certa.
Think of a farm, located in a small rural village in the in land of Romagna, covering more than 16 hectares of land. Imagine a dream, the dream Antonio Batani himself and his family had ten years a…